Interview with Gold, Fiat & Bitcoin: Friends or Foes?

Nishati-x: Welcome back! Thanks for tuning in to another textcast show. Today I’m really excited about our guests joining us for a brief intro/discussion. Myself, Richie, Billy and Bobby will be joined on the panel by none other than Gold, Fiat, and Bitcoin.

Nishati-x: Oh boy, we have a bit of a problem.

Richie Rabbit: tf is the problem?

Nishati-x: I just got word that Fiat and Bitcoin are fighting in the lobby.

Richie Rabbit: I knew this would happen. I just hoped they wouldn’t bump into each other prior to making it to the panel.

Billy Bull: Security was supposed to make sure they were separated until reaching the studio with us.

Nishati-x: Gold just arrived as well.

Bobby Bear: I’ll go down to meet them and mediate the situation.

Nishati-x: Thanks!

Billy Bull: I hope things didn’t get too intense down there. Fiat is known to cross the line and swing below the belt.

Richie Rabbit: Bitcoin doesn’t take any shit either. Ugh, fingers crossed we can still get this show under way.

Nishati-x: no worries, Bobby does well to resolve confrontations like this. Let’s give him a moment..

Gold: Hello there! How are you young lads doing?

Richie Rabbit: Feeling golden my man!

Billy Bull: Ah you made it through the gauntlet.

Gold: Yes those 2 downstairs can’t help but to squabble i’m afraid. Your partner Bobby seemed to have them in calmer spirits however.

Nishati-x: Good to hear. Let’s wait another moment for Bobby to escort them into the studio and we will begin the show for our audience.

Gold: 👍
Bobby Bear: Sorry for the delay everyone. I’d like to welcome the two best of friends Fiat and Bitcoin.

Fiat: Bite your fucking tongue Teddy.

Bobby Bear: 😠

Fiat: Sorry, just joking. Come on in, have a seat Bitcoin. Sit right next to your “bestie”.

Gold: I will sit between you too. I can’t imagine either of you swinging in the direction of an elder.

Bitcoin: Of course not OG.

Gold: Shall we commence with formalities to begin the show?

Nishati-x: Everyone, thank you for being here in the studio for a quick intro and chat for our readers to get to know you in a different way. I hope we can address the issues concerning the developing relationship amongst you three. I think to get going it’d be best for you all to give your own introductions or point of views. Gold, as the elder statesmen do you care to begin?

Gold: Very well. Greetings readers! My name is Gold. My birth story is closely related to the divine child’s birth mentioned in Kundalini Serpent’s interview. When divine mother and father united I was one of the by-products of their sexual interaction. I however, sank into the core of the first physical sun body and would not be revealed until the death of the sun body itself. I’ll explain more scientifically another time. I’ll spare you all the gory details.
Nonetheless, some of you know me as a non-tarnishing, shiny metal that has been used as a medium of exchange for even the earliest of civilizations and as decoration or jewelry.
I have as it may, been much more than this. Many of you, my higher vibratory friends, know what I refer to. You see, in the earliest of times my value stemmed from my electromagnetic field and its ability to commune with the electromagnetic aura field of all things in the universe i.e. plants, animals, humans and even planets.

For example the story told by the ancient Sumerians of the Anunaki and why they came to earth. They came to earth looking for me. They were wise people who knew my true power and value. With their planet’s atmosphere deeply toxified and on the brink of destruction they turned to me to restore balance and so I did.
With that being said my value as a medium of exchange in economies is irrelevant and miniscule though useful because of my gift of immortality.
My true value is much deeper and I hope to bring back balance to a society rather than only being used in economics and decoration.

Nishati-x: Indeed. Fiat would you introduce yourself?

Fiat: Good Day or Night readers. My name is Fiat. I’m a child of “the man” some might say. A revolutionary creation I was, being popularized initially by the Song dynasty of 11th century China.
I have been known to have many forms, shapes, sizes, colors and materials over the years. Though I’ve been known by many names and in many regions on earth the common denominator for my existence has been my partnership with the standing government. Now some of you conspiracy theorists out there tend to think I’m evil and up to no good all the time. You my friends are just prisoners of the fucking moment.

Bobby Bear: language.

Richie Rabbit: let him be, this isn’t a PG13 platform.

Fiat: Thank you Richie. As I was saying. My detractors are being prisoners of the moment. How soon do you ingrates forget! When Gold and his brother Silver led the charge for value exchange in the economy all manner of evil was done by bandits to attain them. By the nature of their being it was easy to harbor danger amongst the masses.
Stealing in broad daylight, killing, raping, the list goes on. Now I’m not saying I stopped all of this outright but it was I who came into the equation to limit the sinister behaviors. I was able to spread commerce farther and faster than Gold could. I was able to quicken the pace of a growing economy. I brought about stability for some of the greatest nations known to mankind. I brought order and peace. I’ve financed the greatest technological achievements of our time. With the government as a close partner I’ve protected you from financial ruins. I have been your savior and deliverer from poverty. Not absolutely but nothing is absolute.

Bitcoin: You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain…

Fiat: Fuck you…

Bitcoin: Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Alpha and the Omega.The pioneer. The real revolutionary!

Gold: alright sonny temper the ego let’s stay focused.

Fiat: 😒

Bitcoin: lol OK ok. To be honest I cannot introduce myself without paying homage and respect to Gold….and Fiat. So let me start there. THANK YOU, TO YOU BOTH. Readers, I thank them because I am a child of Fiat and Gold.

Fiat: I’ll be damned 😯.

Nishati-x: That’s beautiful. Spread the love.

Gold: aww thank you son.

Bitcoin: With respect to Nishati-x and his platform it will go a long way for us and readers to not see us quarrel. Our end goal is prosperity for the masses in every economy. I thank you both for sharing your story because if not for you two, I would not exist.
Before all of us existed there was the need to exchange value amongst a community. Gold and fiat did well to begin solving the issue of value exchange but did not completely solve the problem. You both moved economics in a progressive direction.
Fiat was and is a receipt of value but with few amongst the many being able to control and direct Fiat, corruption and deviance would soon find its way into the modern economies. I do not despise Fiat as some may think.You see Fiat’s original purpose was to be a receipt of value to protect value exchange of the masses. Unfortunately no one protected the value of a receipt.

Richie Rabbit: That’s a bar…

Billy Bull: Yes it is.

Nishati-x: hmm could you explain that a little further. I understand Gold and Fiat but your intro doesn’t quite explain who you are Bitcoin.

Bitcoin: Yes, I am a record of accounting that is immutable and public. My value is in the fact that no one can alter a record of accounting within my network. This is made possible via my partnership with Blockchain.

Nishati-x: Ah, so the problem that has occurred in economies with gold and fiat is that citizens of a country would often find that their governments during difficult times would use their power and privilege to alter financial records or manipulate economic value for the benefit of a few within the society.

Bitcoin: Precisely. With me, if Mr. Smith has 1 bitcoin in the USA he will have 1 bitcoin in China or any country or any planet for that matter. The corruption of conversion no longer exists. The risk of governmental failure is no longer a factor on your finances held with me.

Fiat: I can’t argue with you there. If I speak to you as a dollar would, I’d say “but when would the USA suffer any of those concerns?”. The truth is most of the world’s nations go through those events time and time again. Those nations’ citizens essentially have to start over from scratch financially each time it happens. I’ve done wonders for developed nations. I’ve been powerless to stabilize emerging countries.

Gold: So have I. Due To my physical nature only those with the power to secure my physical location can see me benefit their nation.

Bitcoin: Precisely, you both served well for powerful nations but the world is made up of varying levels of governments with varying levels of power and influence. For the longest time weaker nations were forced to follow the direction of stronger nations and this landed them at the back of the line of very valuable resources. Therefore their people suffered and cried out for a better way.

Nishati-x: necessity is the mother of invention.

Bitcoin: Indeed. In conclusion, I’d like to point out Commerce like all other areas of life, is a constant evolution. Gold was never meant to be the end all be all nor was Fiat. Neither will I be the end all be all. I’m merely the next step in an ever growing society.

Billy Bull: interesting, I think a panel with our friends Cardano, ethereum and XRP would make sense then guys.

Bitcoin: very much so…the world has become enamored with me and in part is missing the wave that’s coming behind me. When all is said and done I may be an afterthought of what’s to come.

Nishati-x: guys thank you for the intro and insights. We will definitely need to expand on the wave that’s to follow you Bitcoin.

Fiat: the wave that would see me in a grave huh Bitcoin?

Bitcoin: no not quite. The coming of me and my fellow cryptocurrency brethren is not to destroy you but to set order for those in your realm and allow for an alternative should you fail. Due to your standing longevity many in society will still cling to you like a woman to the man who took her virginity. Continue to serve as you have. We offer a safety net in the event things go array with the governments you’ve partnered with.

Fiat: fair enough…this is a war I will lose in the long term however there’s 1 thing I can do that you’ll never be able to replace.

Bitcoin: what’s that?

Fiat: you can’t make it rain on them hoes…

Bitcoin: 😐…..

Ritchie Rabbit: lmao he’s got you there bud!

Billy Bull: that was funny.

Gold: quite the comeback there Fiat lol.

Ritchie Rabbit: that reminds me of a question I wanted to ask you 2 before we wrapped up.

Fiat: what’s that?

Ritchie Rabbit: what’s the wildest thing someone has ever done to attain you?

Fiat: 😯

Gold:🤔I know this isn’t a PG-13 show but this might get a little too XXX rated if we answer that one.

Fiat: Man listen😏

Bitcoin: I’m still a young pup out here so I probably can’t compete with their stories.

Nishati-x: lol let’s save that answer for our next get together guys. With that readers we bid you farewell. Catch you on the next Tree of Life chapter✌️

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