Message from Billy Bull: The Kundalini Orgasm

Nishati-x: Billy…Richie…are you guys ready??It’s just us today so you better be.

Billy Bull: I stay ready.

Richie Rabbit: Let’s do it.

Nishati-x: andddd we’re live…

Welcome back readers. Thanks again for joining us. For those of you new here all panelists communicate via text or written word only on this platform since they can’t communicate in any other form due to the nature of their being.

All participants on the show do not exist in a physical form however we are energy manifested in special ways with special abilities. We work to use our abilities for the betterment of all.

Today Billy along with Richie will be spearheading today’s show titled… “Billy Bull’s message: How to make her Kundalini Orgasm part 1″.

Billy the floor is yours.

Billy Bull: Thank you good sir. So ladies and gentlemen as aforementioned today’s message is “How to make her Kundalini Orgasm part 1”.

It’s my concept of how a man can sexually satisfy his woman. This concept is born out of the unique powers from my energy. My energy and abilities come as a result of the planet Mars entering and activating itself while living in the constellation of Taurus.

My astrologers out there understand this well. This produced my core powers of stability, security, luxury and success. Now I should mention I don’t think my way of making her orgasm is the only way but it is a way that rewards us hard workers.

Richie Rabbit: Enough with the formalities let’s get to some pussy please. How would young men get to the end zone?

Billy Bull: I’m so glad you’re here. You truly represent the typical young man. Super eager to get to the finish line.

Richie Rabbit: Don’t tell me the tortoise and the hare nonsense. Slow and steady didn’t win Usain Bolt the 100m Olympic gold.

Billy Bull: And Usain Bolt could never win an 800m or 1600m without being slower and steadier than he was in the 100m.

You see most sexual experiences to be truly enjoyed shouldn’t be a sprint. They must be a marathon. Ebbs and flow of energy throughout the experience. You think the 100m dash is the most impressive race because of the explosive power and energy needed to win.

However, how long do you expect Usain Bolt or any man to last running that rate back to back to back to back.

Richie Rabbit: In case the people didn’t know my powers as seen by Ancient Olmec and Mayan astrology allow me to go back to back to back in the 100m so to speak.

Billy Bull: Yes you’re blessed that way but even you will have your limits with age. Trust me if you heed my words Richie and infuse my ways with your innate powers you can do things women will create myths about for generations .

Richie Rabbit: OK no more suspense. Shed light on this path to a Kundalini orgasm.

Nishati-x: take notes ladies and gents.

Billy Bull: Very well. So in a previous textcast we interviewed Kundalini Serpent and he told us about the creation of the physical body on Earth. Do you remember the steps Richie?

Richie Rabbit: Yes, the 6 planets/chakras traveled with the divine sun/child to earth and formed a physical body using the elements on the earth.

They activated and synchronized with one another to create that physical human body.

Billy Bull: Yes, correct. With that my way to her orgasm is a replication of the process by which all physical bodies are formed as told to us by Kundalini Serpent. As it was in the beginning when Divine father and mother first connected it is now and will be when it comes to sexual connection or any connection between a man and woman for that matter.

Richie Rabbit: interesting concept. How does that work in reality?

Billy Bull: So to begin we know it all begins with the Root planet/chakra. The root chakra deals primarily with security and fear. If you ever hope to be catalyst for her “kundalanic” orgasm she must be rid of all safety and fear concerns when near you or thinking of you.

By relaxing and opening her root you allow for earthly energy to flood upwards into her body from the earth’s core. She will become grounded and aware of herself and you. This allows the stimulation of her sacral which is the next domino to fall in the path to her kundalini orgasm.

Once her root is activated her sacral will await activation. The root being activated doesn’t guarantee her sacral activating.

Richie Rabbit: why Tf not I just gave her the earth. Let me guess she needs the moon and stars now?

Billy Bull: something like that lol. Now that she’s rid of fear and concerns for safety with you, she wants to see your level of excitement. I can’t tell you how pivotal a point this moment is. If she senses any low levels of excitement at this moment it will damage the road to her excitement.

Women are filled with an incomparable amount of sexual energy. We do not compete in this realm with them.

Richie Rabbit: speak for yourself please.

Billy Bull: don’t fall into an ego trip. It’s simple math or common sense. They carry and produce new life in their bodies. They can orgasm an inordinate amount of times in a relatively short amount of time compared to us.

Look at it like this for example the explosion of an atom bomb and its force is akin to a woman’s sexual energy when it’s released. However a man’s sexual energy is akin to the trigger that allows the bomb to explode on impact along with the encasing infrastructure that holds the atom bomb prior to its explosion.

Richie Rabbit: huh..

Billy Bull:…women are the impact of 100 rounds from an ak-47. Men are the triggers for the bullets to fly. Men are the gun itself.

Richie Rabbit: ok I can digest that.

Billy Bull: My point being do not have a woman open herself up to you by giving you the keys to a brand new lamborghini huracan and you’re still spending time learning to parallel park or merge onto a highway.

Nishati-x: these analogies are A1 Billy.

Richie Rabbit: all that just to say don’t act like a virgin when she’s getting hot and heavy.

Billy Bull: It’s more than that. The sacral energy is about your desires and aptitude to succeed in life, not just your desires for her. The phrase “Lit” applies so well here. She needs to feel you are Lit in life. It generally means you are capable of lighting her fire.

Richie Rabbit: Ah I see. Continue, I like where this is going.

Billy Bull: So we’ve activated her root by removing fear and security concerns. We’ve activated her sacral by letting her know I desire her and I desire greatness in life and I’m actively pursuing both. Next the heart and solar plexus chakras become stimulated.

The heart will activate with passionate acts and cause the solar plexus to generate an electrical warming aura around her body. This is another pivotal moment. At this point intense sexual energy flows out in abundance and acts as a healing modality for the body then as a physical strength and endurance booster.

This is a time to play with her. Let her see and feel your physical prowess.

Rabbit Rabbit: play fight

Billy Bull: somewhat yes but in a sensual dominant way. Pregame and foreplay. You must try to fuck her spiritual energy before fucking her physically.

Richie Rabbit: sounds like teasing 🙄.

Billy Bully: teasing and pleasing. So her root is active, her sacral is active, her heart and solar is active. Next the mind and throat stimulate.

They activate when we speak an infusion of electrically charged sexual warming energy into her body’s aura field by erotic conversation. For example, envisioning fantasies that you have and talking to her about it. Tell her everything that turns you on. Tell her everything that you envisioned doing to her. Tell her everything you’ve been lusting about. Tell her something that makes you feel worried about her reaction to it because it might be too nasty, too wild or too far out for her.

The truth is there’s nothing you could lust after that she wouldn’t also lust for. A woman’s sexual energy makes her the undisputed nasty champion.

She merely needs the right man to unlock that potential. Here is another pivotal point. Talking her to the path of orgasm is of great importance and is the only way to unlock the deepest most memorable orgasms she will ever experience. The spoken word has an electrical power behind it that women are very sensitive to. As men all we need is to see it. Women need to see it, feel it, touch it and hear it.

Richie Rabbit: don’t forget they gotta taste it too👌

Billy Bull: Ah yes that comes last lol. So her root is active, her sacral is active, her heart and solar are active, her mind and throat are active. Her body is now on cloud 9. She’s ready to transform and become anew.

She’s about to feel less than an iota of what the Divine mother felt when she had her first orgasm but still equivalent to the greatest orgasm ever felt on Earth since the first man and woman.

Her crown chakra opens and activates. The universal sexual energy flows into her body and causes a state of ecstasy and euphoria. This state, if done right, lasts for days, maybe even a few weeks.

Richie Rabbit: So she came? What happened to the positions? Are we still in foreplay?

Billy Bull: Stay tuned for part 2😏…Kama Sutra will be joining us. Drugs and Alcohol will be phoning in as well.

Richie Rabbit: LFG!

Nishati-x: one hell of a cliff hanger. Great show boys! Before we get to part 2 we’ve gotta take an intermission with a different yet related topic on the next show.

Richie Rabbit: What’s that?

Nishati-x: in the world we live in, all that knowledge of creating an orgasm falls on deaf ears to a woman if the man is broke.

Next show we will be having a money talk. Another one for the ages.

Richie Rabbit: Sounds good to me. Who’s joining us?

Nishati-x: None other than Gold, Fiat and Bitcoin.

Richie Rabbit: 🤯 I’ll be here early for that one.

Billy Bull: damn straight. Catch you guys then🫡.

Nishati-x: signing off…

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