Interview with Tantra and Reiki

Nishati-x: Welcome to another “textcast” readers! Today’s episode I’m joined by Jada Jaguar and Billy Bull. No Richie or Bobby again today.

Jada Jaguar: Thank God.

Nishati-x: That was for Richie only I assume.

Jada Jaguar: of course. Bobby knows I love him. I love Richie too but today ain’t the day for his ungodly self.

Nishati-x: thanks for the segway. Today readers we have another special guest joining us. I think this is a great follow up to our last interview with Kundalini Serpent where we talked about the history of the body’s chakras.

Today we would like to welcome to the show, the dynamic duo of none other than Reiki and Tantra.

Reiki: Good Day everyone.

Tantra: Nice to meet everyone!

Billy Bull: Madame tantra, I bow in your honor. Sir Reiki, 🫡 to your continued glory.

Tantra: I like him, Reiki.

Reiki: haha, such formalities are unnecessary my friend. We are all family here however distant of family we may be.

Jada Jaguar: Asé

Nishati-x: I think Billy is looking forward to this more than you Jada.

Jada Jaguar: I think not. I saged and crystal worked the set until 1 am this morning.😌

Billy Bull: 🙁

Nishati-x: nonetheless. Reiki and Tantra, for the readers at home that don’t know much about you please give a quick summary about yourselves.

Reiki: Certainly. Greetings readers my name is Reiki, healer from the first temple of the divines. I was chartered by Kundalini Serpent to set up the first universal healing modality to all life forms. Kundalini understood that by asking the planets/chakras to sacrifice their immortality they would be subject to several dis-eases and imbalances. In order to maintain the health and wellness of the divine life forms on planets such as Earth my powers were called upon to be of service.

Nishati-x: what powers would that be?

Reiki: Simply put I have the power to clean the planet’s(chakra’s) energy fields by removing blockages placed as a result of improper livelihood of the divine body.

I can also act as a bridge or conduit for the divine energy from divine father and mother to a person’s body. By doing this I help to restore lost life force energy to a body whose chakras are depleted from overuse or malnutrition.

I like to call myself the safety net of the body’s life-force. Though the divine sun body and it’s 6 planets (chakras) are mortal they have a grand plan for their life that was written by the great divine mother and father.

I work to assure all whom are on and off their destined paths are healthy enough to accomplish their assigned goal.

Jada Jaguar: 👏 amazing!!

Nishati-x: Thank you Reiki. Tantra, would you please tell us about yourself as well.

Tantra: I’ll do my best to follow up Reiki. My name is Tantra, priestess of the first temple of the divines. I was revealed when the divine father and mother first made contact with each other.

Kundalini saw me at work and I saw Kundalini at work during this contact as well. Kundalini asked me to establish a lasting connection between itself and all physical lifeforms. I was chartered to serve as a teacher to all lifeforms needing to reconnect at their will to the great divine father and mother using Kundalini’s energy.

Some have assumed that since I was revealed under the Light while divine father and mother were having sex that I am solely sexual. However there are various pathways that I’ve created back to the divines. Sex just happens to be my favorite way back. 🤭

Billy Bull: As is mine, my queen.

Jada Jaguar: Asé

Nishati-x: what other pathways if you don’t mind me asking?

Tantra: Absolutely! Well there’s the practices of Yoga, breathwork, massage, meditation, rituals etc.

I would close my intro by saying this. The universe is a school built by the divines. I am a tenured principal of this school.

Jada Jaguar: Asé!

Billy Bull: 🍎, for you.

Tantra: Awww.

Nishati-x: Very well said. Thank you Tantra and Reiki. So I’d like to switch gears and steer the conversation into the modern day somewhat.

Something occurred to me after speaking with Kundalini in our last show and hearing your introductions and just having my own understanding of you both. We live in a time where people are becoming more aware of you 2 and that’s a great thing.

My concern though is that it’s happening more so out of the imbalances that exist now rather than the curiosity and desire to understand the divines.

Jada Jaguar: I agree. Reiki you called yourself the safety net of health but what if you break by sheer overload.

Nishati-x: exactly my thoughts. Drug use is rampant. Mental health is a major issue. Physical health has been in major decline for decades now. The minds and bodies of the youth are under attack. For example Porn/Onlyfans, Fap, Cocaine, Weed, Drill music, Gender etc.

All whom I have scheduled to interview with us on this show. Though they all have strong and beloved followings, the release of their powers have caused chaos and destructive imbalances within the human being’s divine bodies and their planets(chakras).

Ages ago their effects were moderated but as technology has advanced so has their powers and destructive potential.

Billy Bull: more than we’ll ever want to know.

Reiki: Yes, you are correct. The circumstances are dire but know that my power is absolute! I will not fail in my duty. The divine father and mother along with Kundalini gave me my mission for a reason.

Do not fear a breaking of the net as this may turn out to be a blessing. Let’s look at porn for example and it’s effect on the young men of today and how I can assist them. Lets understand that porn is a new thing. All things whether in order or in chaos are allowed a time to be alive until their proper place is met and order is re-established.

I serve to bring order after chaos has run its course then serve to maintain order after the fact. Porn has caused destructive chaos indeed. Since it is young in life I needed time to understand it and find the way to restore order to the divine bodies of young men whose chakras/planets have been depleted or dirtied.

The first planetary/chakra victim of porn I found to be Rota(root). The next was Sacra(sacral) followed by IIia(Mind). I discovered that the divine bodies and their planets would devolve into zombie-like creatures cut off from their Crowna (crown) energy and thus cut off from the divines universal energy.

This zombie-like creature became susceptible to all manner of vile conduct and addicted to earthly pleasures.

Jada Jaguar: sounds like Richie.

Billy Bull: lol behave.

Nishati-x: Be nice lol

Tantra: 🤭

Reiki: Perhaps he should have been here tonight. My main service is to those living out of alignment with the divine path.

Nishati-x: I don’t want to give the impression Richie is out of alignment he just enjoys the earthly pleasures to the fullest. He’s actually one of the healthiest among us, if not the most. His gifts of abundance, luck and wealth happen to also be his curses. When pleasure and opulence gravitate to you with such relative ease it’s difficult to balance oneself.

Richie’s moments of balance are what allowed us to come together and if maintained can push us to the next level and beyond.

Richie Rabbit: Speak of the devil and here I am…

Jada Jaguar: You smell like old weed, cheap alcohol, bad pussy and worse decisions….

Richie Rabbit: 😮‍💨😔🤕…I just stopped by to pick up my gold bars I had delivered. I’ll be out of your hairs soon.

Billy Bull: Richie you’re getting too old for this behavior. You, being most blessed among us, have a great responsibility.

One day your gift may abandon you for your continued disrespect of it.

Richie Rabbit: I know I know….let me leave you all to your spiritual chat. I need to go sleep my woes away.

Reiki: Hold on my son. Come and sit with us.

Richie Rabbit: Bro I’m tired I just need to get these gold bars situated and get home to sleep.

Reiki: *raises hand and makes a whipping motion in Richie’s direction*

Richie Rabbit: Whoa what was that? My body feels lighter.

Reiki: I removed some of the leeching entities latched onto your chakras. Those were quite strong leeches. I’m surprised you aren’t in a coma.

Richie Rabbit: I definitely was heading for a coma once I got home and in bed. How’d you do that?

Jada Jaguar: He’s Reiki, that’s how. Say thank you.

Richie Rabbit: Thanks

Reiki: My pleasure Richie. I’m glad you came today. The leeching entities I saw on you are consistent with the topic we were discussing prior to you arriving. Since your chakras are free of the leeches you should feel revitalized.

Will you stay for the remainder of our discussion? You may serve as a perfect case study for similar individuals suffering what you suffer.

Nishati-x: Agreed. You got to stay bro.

Richie Rabbit: 😮‍💨 I sense a shrink session coming…

Jada Jaguar: on the contrary its a growth session for you 🫠

Richie Rabbit: ….

Billy Bully: So Richie tell us about your latest situation.

Richie Rabbit: Yea so I went on vacation to this island that’s renowned for its abundance of “Mangoes”

Billy Bull: oh boy…. “Mangoes”…

Jada Jaguar: aka whore island…continue.

Richie Rabbit: 🤫. So I went to this place on vacation for obvious reasons. Pussy everywhere on this island. Cheap pussy, expensive pussy, free pussy, all of the above. Pussy approaching you and begging for your time and attention.

Literally as you step out of your hotel or villa and walk the strips. Ratio is easy 20 to 1. Baddie ratio 10 to 1 minimum. Alcohol and weed though I wouldn’t recommend the weed there. Drugs of all kinds, though my vice of choice is only alcohol and some weed. It’s all available at any time of day. There’s this hotel….lawd the wonders at this hotel. It’s like a Las Vegas hotel/club meets a division 1 college dorm and all the athletes just won a national championship and are celebrating. I’m getting aroused just remembering this.

First day there off the plane I’m walking down the beach with a friend and we end up talking to these 3 beautiful girls. 15 min later I’m getting fellatio after buying the ladies a few presidentes by a beach bar.

2 of the ladies went down and the other watched and massaged my back. Simply amazing…didn’t pay for any of it either. I couldn’t believe a presidente goes such a long way🫡.

Reiki: ….Well at least you didn’t partake in the hard drugs like cocaine, meth etc. That leech, I would’ve needed significant time to clean your aura and chakras.

Richie Rabbit: yea though I have my vices I love my natural energy too much to compromise myself with things like cocaine etc.

Tantra: Give them enough time on you and they will trust me.

Richie Rabbit:😮‍💨

Jada Jaguar: All the bills we have here and you’re financing whores! Disgusting!!

Richie Rabbit: it ain’t trickin if you got it though.

Billy Bull: And you’re working hard to be without it…

Richie Rabbit: 😮‍💨

Reiki: Let’s get back on track. Richie Drugs, alcohol, connection-less sex will not ease your stresses in life and will end up not being more than a bottomless pit in the long run. They merely give you a short term illusion of pleasure by severing your contact with your 6 planets (chakras).

When you have prolonged periods of disconnect from your planets you tell your body to move closer to physical death.

Its why one has a hangover after a night of heavy drinking. It’s why the head feels dazed and confused after heavy smoking. It’s why your body feels weak and limp after wasting seed.

Let me not bash drugs, alcohol, casual sex etc. They have their places. However it’s when you allow them to lead you, is when you will end up down the wrong path.

I can wipe away the leeches that they summon on you but you must keep them away and fortify your chakras everyday. On days you need ease or relief there are more fulfilling ways to achieve that satisfaction😏.

Richie Rabbit: Oh yea and how do you propose that?

Reiki: 😌Tantra enlighten our boy.

Tantra: 👩🏾‍🏫 so let’s take a look at your vices. Weed, alcohol, casual sex. Porn and Fap?

Richie Rabbit: 😮‍💨Yes those too.

Tantra: so you’re overstimulating your Root and sacral chakras with the hopes of relieving them. Depressing the stimulation of your mind with the hopes of calming it. The vices you have are not evil or negative in and of themselves. They serve you best by massaging away moments of stagnation in your life on your way to a goal. Overuse of them will cause them to take the place of your main goals. You’ll end up working to be high and drunk and surrounded by whores who want nothing more than what’s in your pockets. A dead end.

Richie Rabbit: I thought you were going to give me solutions not bash me more.

Tantra: solutions to all problems exist in the problem itself.

Richie Rabbit: elaborate on that.

Tantra: You lust for visual excitement. So make your financial and physical goals visual in nature. You love to watch beautiful women you don’t know roam around you, teasing and tantalizing you.

Your mind races a mile a minute thinking about building something that will net you returns. Returns you once used to finance debauchery.

Use your mind to build something that beautiful women can benefit from that will benefit your pockets and theirs. If your mind can lead to the physical manifestation of a business infrastructure that generates the returns that beautiful women can also benefit from, your mind will be pleased. Mostly because if you build it women can run it for you and amplify those returns into perpetuity.

You will be even more attracted to these women that can grow your business and help you relax by only being concerned with them. Lastly if your lustful wandering eyes peak after this, these women will see to it that you are abundantly satisfied.

I see the powers that you carry. Find the right women to amplify those powers. The world needs it.

Richie Rabbit: mmmmmmmmm. That’s very good food for thought.

Billy Bull: I hope you left nothing on the plate. I damn sure ate every word.

Tantra: Billy, you and Richie would do well to brainstorm more often. Both of your powers work well together in business. He could also learn much from your control of sex.

Billy Bully: 😌. Why thank you.

Richie Rabbit: what do you mean control of sex? I have control of sex. I just nut wastefully sometimes.😐

Billy Bull: Your main powers are abundance and wealth. Mine are stability and endurance. If I came once she must’ve come at least 35 times before. I didn’t mean that egotistically.

If I bought her a diamond chain and a Berkin bag she contributed to me turning 10 million into 100 million. If I need relief and ease I work out for as long as needed.

If times are getting faster and more chaotic I get slower and more orderly. Tantra is right we can work well together Richie.

My weaknesses are your strengths and your weaknesses are my strengths. Let’s get to work on this business.

Jada Jaguar: Asé

Tantra: Asé

Reiki: Asé!

Richie Rabbit: let’s get this money and more life!

Nishati-x: beautifully said. On that note folks it’s a wrap. Thank you Tantra and Reiki for spending time with us and our readers! Billy and Richie I think time is approaching for a special message to the people…

Billy Bull: Ahhhh yes very true. Stay tuned folks. First of many soon to come…

Nishati-x: later all!

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