About Us: The Tree of Life “Textcast”

Nishati-x: Welcome! My name is Nishati-x. I will be your main host of this textcast. Our official name is The Tree of Life.

First and foremost thank you reader for your attention and time. The magic begins and continues with every word you read.

Remember this, while you’re reading this in silence by uttering the words in your head only, the voice that you hear is the same voice you hear when you pray or when you meditate. Think hard on that. That voice isn’t the same voice produced by your vocal cords. This voice is more powerful. It is the voice of God, Allah, The Divine etc. in you. With that enjoy the reading experience.

So this textcast and all things stemming from the Nishati-x Brand is driven by our creator Dennis Charles Cameron Jr.

The theme behind each chapter going forward is that men and women by nature are capable of lying. Worse than that men and women lie on those who cannot debunk that lie whatsoever themselves.

Richie Rabbit: WTF are you talking about.

Nishati-x: what a way to introduce yourself to the people Richie…

Richie Rabbit: we’re the most important part of this and you’ve got us on standby so you can have center stage to give a monologue and shit. Hurry up and let’s get to the goods please.

Nishati-x:……tortoise and the hare story. It’ll serve you well to remember it.

Richie Rabbit: 🙄whatever.

Billy Bull: 👋

Nishati-x: Welcome Billy!

Nishati-x: So readers, we have Richie Rabbit and Billy Bull here. The last few members of our crew Bobby Bear and Jada Jaguar are getting set up and will join us in a few moments. I’ll let them all have a moment to introduce themselves.

Jada Jaguar: Excuse me loves, allow me to burn some sage and Paolo santo to set the vibe for divine creator energy flow.

Richie Rabbit: can I borrow one of those.

Jada Jaguar: I don’t have enough sage to cleanse your nasty ass. Richie😒

Richie Rabbit: 😐

Nishati-x: Guys let’s stay on track please.

Jada Jaguar: Go ahead honey.

Nishati-x: thank you dear. So as I was saying, my co hosts presence is very pivotal to theme of this text based Podcast.

Men lie, women lie so the Voiceless will speak for themselves here on our platform but wtf does that mean?

Men and women lie so the Voiceless who once relied on men and women to speak for them now have a platform here to speak for themselves.

Bobby Bear: example please.

Nishati-x: Certainly. So in recent years we all saw what happened as a result of the “Covid virus” being released on the planet.

Reports of the Covid virus were a source for major debate. We all know the war of words that went on. Who should wear masks? Who should be vaccinated? Should one lose their job if not vaccinated?

The largest media groups made their statement based on the guidance of individuals that said “We must follow the science!” “The science clearly says ABC or xyz!”

Richie Rabbit: Yea, fucking Fauci.

Nishati-x: Be respectful and call him Dr. Fauci, he did earn his phd.

Richie Rabbit: respectfully FOH.

Jada Jaguar: my spirit respectfully said foh to Fauci also. I ain’t say that but my spirit did.💅

Nishati-x: So be it. Anyway Fauci and others called for us to listen to science. Unfortunately, no one interviewed science to ask what the hell is Covid and how do people deal with it. You might say that its impossible since science isn’t a person or living being that can communicate as people do. Well until now…

Richie Rabbit: until now baby!

Nishati-x: yes sir! Like science there are many known Voiceless entities that have been forced to only have men and women as their spokespersons.

Not that a man and woman cant speak truth to power on a subject, it’s just that having them as your only voice can lead to serious conflict should that man or woman decide to lie in the name of something like science while science isn’t able to publicly correct them with spoken word.

Billy Bull: How are we all here related to this?

Nishati-x: Great question. So I did say all of your presence here is pivotal. The reason being is that all of you including me were once considered Voiceless. We don’t actually exist in the same plane as man and woman. We all don’t have physical bodies. However, by the power of our creator Dennis and by the magic of imagination and the written word we have found life and voice here on this platform.

Jada Jaguar: in the beginning was God and the word was with God. We are the word…

Richie Rabbit: We are the word…

Billy Bull: We are the word….

Nishati-x: we are the word…Agreed. Let’s wrap up by explaining who we are.

So I go by the name of Nishati-x. Nishati translated from Swahili to English means Energy. X stands for the unknown. Swahili is an old language spoken by Central eastern Africans which is an area that is purported to be the source of human life on this planet.

The power behind this brand of Nishati-x can not be defined nor measured. However this energy made itself known to our creator. It told our creator to look within to reveal a great power. The powers revealed were my fellow hosts.

To elaborate, my hosts are not just characters or animals as their names would lead you to think. They are aspects of the divine creator of the universe. Think astrology. To be even more specific, their energy came together on August 27, 1990 at 7:50 pm in Bronx, NY. The birthdate and birth place of our creator, author and founder of the Nishati-X brand, Dennis.

My cohosts are energies founded on the concepts of astrology. They represent the powers that are infused into this platform and into the brand.

Most importantly they represent the powers that are used for the benefit of you reader and valued patron. Everyone, tell the people alittle about yourselves…

Richie Rabbit: My name is Richie Rabbit otherwise known as Lamat. I come from the Mayan Tree of Life astrology. What I am and what I offer you is abundance, prosperity, wealth, luck and to my beautiful ladies out there reading, never ending potency 🤫.



Jada jaguar: 🤥

Richie Rabbit: hating dont look good on you Jada. Check my resume.

Jada Jaguar:🙄🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥

Nishati-x: Jada can you continue with your intro please.

Jada Jaguar: 🫠. Yes, so my name is Jada Jaguar otherwise known as B’alam. Like my little brother I also come from the Mayan Tree of Life astrology. What I am and what I offer you is spiritual awakening, Regal presence, peace of mind and knowledge of how to keep it sexy.


Nishati-x: thanks Jada! Bobby?

Bobby Bear: My name is Robert Bear. I’m from the Native American Astrology. What I am and what I offer is protection, security, stability, and sustenance.


Nishati-x: thanks Bob. Billy close us out.

Billy Bull: My name is Billy Bull. I come from the western version of astrology. More specifically I’m an aspect of our creator’s natal chart. I’m the Taurus in Mars aspect. What I am and what I offer is stability, intelligence, success, critical thinking, dominance and productive action.


Nishati-x: Beautifully said everyone. In conclusion let me frame what you can expect reader.

We will be interviewing the Voiceless and allowing them to drop their guard and speak as everyday people. We understand the conflict, contradiction and oxymoron in the concept but I ask you to allow your imagination to take hold and flow with us.

A few guests to look out for: Kundalini Serpent, Gold, USD, Bitcoin, Crypto, Science, Fear, Vagina, Penis, Various plants, animals and so on.

We may even visit the afterlife to speak with ancestors that want to give some wisdom for dealing with the world as they see it today.

PLEASE BE ADVISED, this text based Podcast is not PG13 as we are all adults here from different walks of life and will be discussing many topics in different edgy ways.

Richie Rabbit: damn right. Make sure you send me the calendar invite for when Vagina visits the textcast. I have to prepare accordingly😁.

Jada Jaguar: 🙄. We are not a porn show here. We are looking to enlighten our readers sir.

Nishati-x: lol this is going to be fun. Thanks for reading…See you next time.

Billy Bull: wait a minute, you didn’t even tip your cap to myself and the other sponsors.

Nishati-x: Yes you’re right, a million thanks to you and Richie. Your financing has proved invaluable.

Nishati-x: Our next sponsor is the Nishati-x Brand Collections. A merchant offering Kundalini, flower of life, and ancient Taino tribe inspired fitness apparel, jewelry and art for the “Matriarchs” and “Patriarchs” following their divine paths of life. More on this to follow soon in other textcast explainers.

IG: nishati_x

Nishati-x: Lastly our most important sponsor. Our one and only creator Dennis Charles Cameron Jr. We thank you for the spiritual and financial financing that you’ve done here. More will be needed from you as there is more needed for the people.

Richie Rabbit: Consecrated.

Bobby Bear: let’s get something to eat!

Nishati-X: We’re serving food for thought Bobby.

Nishati-x: Join us again for Chapter 2: interview with Kundalini Serpent.

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